Easy to Understand Growth Equity, Deep Value, SPAC, Preferred Stock, REIT, MLP, Merger Arbitrage, Capital Structure Arbitrage, and Distressed Subscription Research by Former Goldman Sachs Portfolio Manager

Our investment research platform provides an affordable, institutional quality subscription unlike any other! All premium plans above Basic include access to our Educational Discord Community of >1,200 members across hedge funds, family offices, banks, Fortune 1000 companies, and individual investors. This includes LIVE CHATs, DAILY MARKET COMMENTARY, WEEKLY CALLS & WEBEX VIDEO.
Scroll below to see our offerings: $20 Basic Newsletter (Macro + Monthly Ideas), $65 Silver Subscription (Asset Allocation, Weekly Long / Short Equity Ideas + Merger Arb + Special Sits + High-Dividend Preferred Stocks/Income Ideas), $45 SPAC Catalysts Subscription (Warrants, Unlocks), $45 High Dividend (Preferred Stock & Bonds) & Closed End Fund Arbitrage Subscription, $150 Gold (Includes All Databases & 1x1 Meetings) Subscription, $50 Individual Excel Valuation Models (+Scenario Analysis), full 4-week valuation course with Leverage Academy, or individual company brainstorming sessions with one of our instructors.
The Basic $20 / month subscription includes weekly macro updates, along with one industry deep-dive, company valuation model, or special situations equity piece per month with detailed risk analysis.
The Silver $65 / month subscription includes weekly macro updates, financial models for ALL 100+ companies in our coverage universe, merger arbitrage ideas, spin-offs, activist candidates, long and short ideas across value and growth sectors, high-dividend preferred stock and bond ideas, and multiple macro and single name pieces per month.
The Gold $150 / month subscription includes intraday updates, 1x1 discussions related to newsletter topics, financial models for companies in our coverage universe and multiple macro and single name (deep-dive) pieces per month. It also includes SPAC Catalysts & Closed-End Fund Arbitrage Products (+High Yield REITs & Preferred Stocks) at no cost (see below).
Live SUBSCIBER EDUCATIONAL DISCORD snapshot below with LIVE AUDIO / VIDEO discussion channels across Community Trade Ideas, Macro, Banks, BDCs, Behavioral Biases, Closed End Funds, Commercial Real Estate, Credit/High Yield, CTA Flows, Energy and Commodities, Fixed Income, Gold & Precious Metals, Growth/Value Equities, Healthcare, Industrials, Residential Real Estate, Tech, Money Markets, High-Yield Savings Accounts, 13Fs, 13Ds, Merger Arbitrage, Spin Offs, Bankruptcy, CLOs, CDOs, Preferred Stock, Event Driven Strategies.
The $45 / month Income: Closed End Fund Arbitrage + HY Preferred newsletter subscription includes:
300+ Fund Universe that Tracks Also Discounted Funds
~700 High Yield Preferred Stocks & REITs + Fundamental Analysis
Tax-Free Municipal Bond Funds
High Yield Funds
Leveraged Loan Funds
Preferred Stock Funds
Emerging Market Bond Funds
Equity Event Funds
CEF Education
Asset Class Rotation
Fee Analysis
Leverage Analysis
Credit Risk Analysis
Rate Sensitivity
Manager Ranking​
The $45 / month SPAC Catalysts newsletter subscription includes:
SPAC Valuation
SPAC Quality Ranking
Low Float SPAC Tracker
SPAC Redemptions Monitor
S-1 Effective Dates for PIPE Unlock
180-Day Sponsor/Mgmt Unlocks
500+ SPAC Warrant Tracker
Target Company Analysis
SPAC Statistics
De-SPAC White Paper
Top SPAC Sponsors
Definitive Agreements
SPACs below IPO
SPAC Earnings
Warrant Cheapness
Pre-deal Yield Universe
Our team has put together EASY-TO-UNDERSTAND, institutional quality research for retail investors and asset managers looking for unique ideas.
We also provide online classes through a partnership with Leverage Academy, LLC that teach financial modeling and analysis for those new to the industry and hold informative bootcamp events.

We believe that great investment research should be accessible to everyone. At Special Situations Investing Research, we’ve assembled a team of top-tier former investment professionals to provide a comprehensive monthly newsletter at a very affordable price.
Our team does in depth analysis on each monthly piece, screening for unique research ideas through our proprietary Value Engine software. Our analysts reach out to company management teams directly and sift through years of public filings, earnings transcripts, and data before arriving at conclusions. They perform detailed intrinsic valuations and comparable company analyses on every business they evaluate.
Database of >100 Valuation Models & Risk Memos (Free to Silver, Gold & Institutional Subscribers):
Premium Ideas Blog for Silver, Gold, SPAC, Merger Arbitrage, and Income-Focused (Preferred Stocks, Bonds, Closed-End Fund) Subscribers:
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37,500 US dollarsEnded
250 US dollars
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